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  4. Setting up Order Page

Setting up Order Page

To set up the order page, you just created a new page and placed the below shortcode on that page. After that placed newly created page URL in Makli > Settings > eCommerce settings > General Settings > Order Page URL

1. Using Elementor:

2. Using Visual Composer:

3. Without PageBuilder:

Used for single page ordering
  • hide_navigation: Set to \’yes\’ if you want to hide top navigation
  • style: WCOP offers different styles if no syle is passed default style will be served.
    • 01_default (this is default style if no style is mentioned it is used)
    • 02_sleek_minimal
    • 03_bold
    • 04_ease
    • 05_simple
    • 06_sleek
    • 07_minimal
  • hide_domain: Set to \’yes\’ if you want to hide domain registration section
  • hide_product: Set to \’yes\’ if you want to hide products/ services selection section
  • hide_additional_services: Set to \’yes\’ if you want to hide product configuration/add-ons sections.
  • hide_promo: Set to \’yes\’ if you want do not want to use promotions.
  • gids: Comma separated list of WHMCS Product Groups (all groups will be shown if not provided or empty)
  • pids: Comma Separated list of Product IDs (all products will be shown if not provided or empty)
  • domain_products: Set this to \’yes\’ (lowercase) if you want to show only the products which require a domain or have show domain options set in WHMCS.
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